What our customers are saying

We have been struggling for quite a while with Sam’s stoma leaking and causing an awful rash. I was hesitant to try something I had to buy out of pocket instead of what her insurance supplies, but the rash was not improving and I was desperate enough to try something new.  We started using the disc and powder on November 29th and the difference it has made for her in that time has been pretty astonishing”.
Mother Melissa M. Daughter is Samantha
Thank you Lumacleancares for being so kind! I truly recommend this to all who have a gastrostomy tube! Not only the products are amazing but also the company. We need more companies like this one that truly cares. Her granulation is gone thank God and your products!
Linda H. Mother of Faith
“I  bought this product to see if my redness and skin breakdown would subside. The stoma powder exceeded my expectations! I found that my skin around my stoma was no longer raw and the breakdown subsided. I used other brands of stoma powders and compared  StomaEase. It is in my opinion gentle on my skin. I highly recommend this product along with the StomaDisc. It definitely was a life saver and game changer for me! The two stoma powders I used were stomahesive and adapt stoma powders. I found more breakdown with other powders and it actually broke down my tube a bit.”
Liandra G.
“I love, love, love the StomaEase powder. My son has a colostomy bag so I had just been using that stoma powder on both stoma sites. The Stomadisc was also a godsend.” He currently is not having any breakdown”.
Heather A. mother to Graydon
I really, really like this stuff. My 2 stomas normal looks good.  Anyhow, I’ve been dealing with them for a long time. Currently, one of them is more of my "problem child" than the other. I’ve had over 280 tubes exchanges and many placements. I’ve been dealing with health issues out of the blue starting in 2008, so I’m no stranger to trying out 100s of products. I do think this one I'm going to keep ordering as needed. I do highly recommend it, It is very helpful. Thank you!”
Ashley S.
“Highly recommend this and the powder for anyone that has a feeding/drain tube in the past 3 plus years mine has never been so happy!!!! I was always very raw, blistered and bloody. It’s never been healed before it’s always been really bad. I’ve tried everything out there too!”
Angela J.
“Love the StomaDisc it is so comfortable”. I mainly ordered the disk because how my tube sits and pulls it causes granulated tissue to start. I wanted to try the disk to help it from rubbing. It works great and is super comfortable.
Angie W.
“Jamie’s stoma looks the best it has in decades. It’s so nice to have the redness continuing to resolve. The oozing is completely gone. Thank you, guys, so much for addressing stoma care so effectively. It is truly amazing how much it heals.  The redness has continued to shrink and there is absolutely no rawness around the stoma. He continues to giggle when we put the Stomadisc and StomaEase powder on at night, which is always a plus”.
Susan H.
“ I purchased the powder to help minimize skin breakdown and decrease the amount of times I get cellulitis due to the leakage I have. I have Ehler’s Danlos so my skin breaks down extremely fast. I haven’t had cellulitis since I started using the powder. Within a week the skin fully healed which is a big deal due to having Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome; my skin breaks down easily .”
Kelsie B.
“I am so glad you created it. I will recommend it to every tubie mom I know because before, we'd tried everything. Even silver nitrate once a week for a month and that’s painful in itself. We’ve started using the StomaEase powder and noticed a difference in three days.”
Brittany Smith
"StomaDisc has changed my stoma and my life. I leaked constantly through my j tube. I was always raw and changing gauze. Now with StomaEase the bile is soaked up and I’m no longer raw! I have noticed a great change since using it! My stoma doesn't hurt anymore!!! Thanks very much.
Amber Roark
“I LOVE StomaEase and the StomaDisc! WOW!  This amazing combo has changed my life. No more burning irritation! StomaEase literally pulled all the ick away and let my skin breathe,  there was a bit of a learning curve figuring out how much powder to use and how often to clean it and reapply, but I am happy to report that this was the product I was searching for! I went to the GI  to make sure that I wasn’t getting an infection and was told it was just leakage from my feeds and to try a little powder and to switch to gauze.  Well, they’ve never felt what I was feeling, and gauze is uncomfortable and gets stuck to you.  Powder usually gets crusty and rips my skin trying to remove it. I went home and googled stoma powder and only found it for ostomies. Then I remembered that I thought I had seen a powder made specially for G/J tubes and found Lumacleancares and  StomaEase/StomaDisc. I immediately watched all the testimonials and loved that it was made by an actual tubie!!! Jasmine you are my hero!!!!  The powder protects my skin from acid burns, and I stopped forming granulose tissue around my stoma.  The disc provides extra support for my button. This duo is a game changer and I will tell every GI and person who will listen how amazing this is. I’m pain free and the goo and ick isn’t burning my skin anymore! I’m a 24/7 continuous feeder, so I really depend on my GTube and I need it to be comfortable. It’s brilliant.  

Thank you and Jasmine again for such an amazing product!”

Update: “After months of continued use, my stoma is HEALED!!! I have attached some updated photos. Please thank Jasmine again for creating this product and your company for making it available with the StomaDisc. Simply amazing!”
Elena Zajac
“My story: I had gtube replaced on August 26, 2024 and when I returned home it immediately began leaking more than my prior tubes had. By August 28, I was covered in acid burns and in severe pain. I called my GI dr and was told the leaking should slow down in a few days. The leaking increased and the acid burns spread. On August 29, I went to urgent care and the dr there withdrew some of the water in the balloon. This gave me immediate relief in the pressure pain I was feeling. Later that day, I posted on the support Facebook page, asking for suggestions on barrier or burn creams. The next day, I was contacted by Maureen, offering to send me a bottle of stoma-ease and a disk. I received both on September 7 and began to apply. At first, I was applying wrong. I would sprinkle lightly and wash off with each changing which peeled even more acid-raw skin off. I also had the disk on backwards. After adjusting the disk, I began to apply the stoma ease liberally and then would not wash off when I changed bandages but instead, would reapply another layer. Soon, there was a thick enough coating on my burnt skin that the acid could run over and off, and skin was protected. Unfortunately, the acid ran faster and spread all over abdominal area quicker than I could maintain bandages, so my burns became severe enough I had to go to wound care center for emergency help. Then I ran out of my first bottle of stoma-ease and was not financially able to buy more immediately. On September 15, I shared more pictures on the facebook support group, again, asking for suggestions. I had tried everything- A&D, buttpaste, calmoseptine, barrier creams from wound care, marathon, desitin, etc. Wound care had tried also but with the acid pouring nonstop, it was impossible to start the healing process. Once again, Maureen reached out to me. This time she sent 4 bottles of Stomaease™ and I received these on October 4, the same day they removed the malfunctioning gtube in order to allow me to heal for 4-6 weeks before replacing it again. I immediately began applying the stoma ease again (without the disk). Today is October 17, and although my stoma is still leaking (because it hasn’t closed completely), the burns are finally gone, and all my thanks go to stoma ease for such a great product and Maureen for helping me at such a difficult time.”
Valerie E.
“This product  helped my son when nothing  else was helping heal his stoma. One side started to dry up and there was a difference with the granuloma. It keeps the moisture away which is really good.  His tube leaks horribly”
Jeanet B. Son’s name Vernon
“I cannot begin to describe what a life saver this product has been. I’ve had a tube for almost two years. The amount of burns I’ve had because of leakage is insane. It was so painful, and my doctor was unhelpful. I tried everything. Finding this product has truly changed my life.

My skin around and under my j tube looks PERFECT because of this product. Please be aware that the top is a twist nozzle - do not be like me where you accidentally screw the entire top off and spill half the bottle in the sink. I love this product so much. It is absolutely perfect and such a life saver. My skin, It’s like night and day!”
Michelle T.
"It hasn’t looked this good in a long time. He is much more comfortable, and it’s all new skin growing where a crack sometimes forms from him sleeping in a curled position. Eli is so much more comfortable!  Such a great product ! I’m Sharing it with all the other nurses as well. I watched the videos … they help a lot” I’m sure it will still continue to completely heal as we keep using this product. Thank you for your support.”
Terri G. mother of Eli
“I wanted to reach out and make you aware of the positive reaction I’ve had. I have been using StomaEase + StomaDisc for a little over a month now. My stoma has been a huge problem for the entire duration that I’ve had my GJ-tube (except for initial placement); severe redness and irritation that I’d get small wounds, and frequent granulation tissue that would always cause a yeast infection (my GI has written me many scripts for fluconazole with refills because of how frequently I had such severe infections).

I have tried everything under the sun to improve my stoma but they all didn’t work or would backfire. StomaEase is the first and only product I’ve used where I’ve seen HUGE improvements in my stoma. It literally hasn’t looked like this in years. I also barely have any noticeable discharge. Thank you all for creating and introducing this invaluable product in stoma care! I no longer have to try different, failed products nor have severe infections or other issues with my stoma. I truly will never stop using StomaEase”
Monica C.
“This had been the only g tube remedy that has helped my daughter’s leaky g tube. She is so happy and not in pain anymore! “This product really does work! This is my 12-year-old daughter, Audrey; Five days before/after photos. She asked me to buy more. She’s like it doesn’t hurt at all ! She’s so happy.”
Bri B.
“The StomaEase™ powder and disk have really helped my skin around my tube and quickly! The disk seems to be integral to how it works for me, as I tried using the powder with my typical dressing (mepilex lite) and less than 24hrs later it was already showing more irritation. It looks even better as I continue using the StomaEase™ and StomaDisc™. I can’t believe how it has continued to help. It’s great that my skin isn’t breaking down anymore but what I like the most is that there is no burning and stinging pain from the leakage.”
Jessica R.
Here's my review on Stomaease . It has helped me tremendously over the last several months. If anyone else is having leakage issues & redness around feeding stoma and if u can get Stomaease give Stomaease a try.

What I did find out later on into trying Stomaease it helped me if I applied a barrier film such as 3m pavilion no sting barrier film stick or safety n simple no sting barrier film btw I've used both & they work great.

As always sending everyone much needed love, virtual hugs only no touchy touchy, & much needed prayers    
Leigh W.
“Thankful that Jasmine Sturr invented the StomaEase™ powder and for thinking of those that have tubes. No matter what you are going through, you're not alone. Even with a feeding tube, chronic illness, depression, etc, others know this lifestyle/pain. Find an online community that relates to the condition. Someone knows that struggle, you are currently going through. Support is out there. Hang in there and know others care."
Tonya H. Patient Advocate: Ambassador for The Oley Foundation
“ A Transformation Story:  a testament to the impact of StomaEase™ powder”
The StomaEase™ difference! Michelle’s 8-year-old daughter's feeding stoma did not fully close after feeding tube removal, leading to regular leaking and pain. While they waited for surgical closure, Michelle added StomaEase powder under the bandage. The results speak for themselves!
Michelle L.
“This is genius. The powder is so soothing. Tubie pads and gauze collect leakage but then they hold it against your skin which can cause major irritation. This powder is clay based, so it absorbs the leakage and then you have moist clay against your skin which is moth soothing and hydrating, helping to prevent irritation. Try it, you will not be disappointed!

I just randomly came across these two products invented by a tubie, and they’re genius. Seriously life changing. My stoma has never been more healthy. It healed up on just a few days. The powder is clay based so instead of having the moist tubie pad or gauze sitting there until you can change it, you end up with moist clay against your skin which is soothing and hydrating. I have’nt had to use tubie pads, gauze, or even a barrier cream since getting this. I just wanted to share in case anyone else is having major issues like I was having.

Along with the powder it eliminates the need for gauze, tubie pads, and constant reapplications of barrier cream. It’s soothing and comfortable. I love that it’s washable. This is the best thing to happen to me in my tube feeding journey.”
Hannah C.
“My stoma has been hell on earth since the day I got it. I saw my peers using their tubes with ease while I was in pain from it every single day, some days so bad I could only curl up and weep.

I saw an ad and bought it on a whim. Within a week, my hyper granulation tissue was half its typical size and barely bleeding. A week or two into using it, I had a setback of a gnarly concussion that left me barely functional for days and unable to care for myself. I had the rubber tubie pad filled with StomaEase at the time, and it continued to absorb for 36 hours. Imagine a cloth tubie pad after that long? It looked like a possibly sentient science experiment at that point, but not a single drop escaped. You absolutely changed my life.

You will never find a better product than this, especially if you’re one of us who has ongoing problems with your stoma.

It’s literally life-changing, and I’m not one to review things. Thank you again for making this product. This is the first time since I got my tube that it’s not hurting and bleeding. I went through 4-6 tubie pads a day and even that didn’t prevent the acid burns or the hype granulation tissue. Using gauze with my limited dexterity left little strings I couldn’t pinch to get off. Solid gauze pads were soaked within an hour. And yet this… change it morning, lunch, and bedtime and it’s everything is healing without blood or pain.”

UPDATE: “After just 2 or 3 months of regular use, the first time I realized my stoma could actually just look like a regular small hole in my body”
Maren J.
“This disc with the chemical powder that magically dries the g-tube site and allows Soraya to heal is INCREDIBLE. Soraya is in less pain and we are now able to use a Farrell Bag—meaning we can sleep in more than 2-hour chunks!!!!
Faruqui Family – Daughter Soraya
“Interesting Product - Worth a Try.  Really cool product. Interested to see how it does overtime. Initial impression is that it's painless, odorless, and as advertised kind of turns into a gel. It's easy to clean off later”
“I am so excited to see how this helps my stoma site. It has been a lot to adjust to and am looking forward to something that will help me. Thank you for your help and amazing service!”
“Well first time buying it help to keep dry around to my son definitely I recommend.”
Ingrid L.
“We love this for my son. His gtube finally doesn't look beyond painful.”
“Very absorbent. The stoma powder is very absorbent and easy to apply. I use it around my G tube and my j-tube when they are extra goopy. It works better than baby powder and helps on longer days when I don't have a readily available opportunity to change the gauze pad or tubie pads easily. The bottle applicator tip prevents a huge mess but I recommend using this over the toilet just to capture any loose powder that may fall.”
Sara M.
“This disc has been a lifesaver”
Sedena M.
"It does what it was designed to do! Excellent product!!! Like what it does”
Don B.
Absolutely loved mine!! They work so well, and I just feel better when I use it. I know it’s gross, but the leakage stinks and I always feel like everyone around me can smell it too. The StomaEase powder made all that go away! You’re awesome for creating this. It truly makes a difference, and your customer service is above and beyond any of the other companies I deal with to manage my health. So, thank you!”
Katy C.
“Perfect as always! Will keep buying!”
Megan A.
“I love this stuff! I'm a lifelong cutie with a tubie”
“Seems to be helping with my son’s mic-key button from Leaking”
Jamie R.
“StomaDisc has helped a lot in addition to the stoma powder”
Jennavive F.
“This system keeps my skin very healthy. I am out of the powder now for 2 days and now my skin is horrible. Thank you for this very needed system.  Worth trying and it has worked great."
Letha O.
“The customer service with these products is phenomenal, and I express this as not only a customer/tubie but as a small business owner myself. I had some minor issues with the StomaDisc soon after using it that I quickly relayed to the shop owner and they resolved it almost immediately (less than 24 hours). The product itself is well done, especially the newer version so I can see that a lot of research and customer feedback goes into creating and improving the best and most effective products possible”.
Monica C.
“I have had a terrible rash around my feeding tube stoma for a month or so. I tried all sorts of creams, Stomaease gave me instant relief. It is so much better after two applications. I love this product. The Stomaease is absolutely awesome. I will be ordering more of this product.”
Julie B.
“Telling everyone I know about this powder - it is a miracle”!
Megan A.
“Great product. Stop the leaking - My second order. I love this disc.”
Sedena M.
Great, unique product that is not matched or available on the market for feeding tube needs. Gave me the ability to live life a bit more without the fear of painful acid burns and leakage from my j tube keeping me stuck in bed and flat for days following to allow my skin to heal. So thankful!"
Ali D.
“Great stoma powder. Good size bottle. Easy to apply”
Kate M.
“I got these and love them! They do work wonderfully! I have had granuloma issues and the disk has helped keep it away now that I no longer have gauze rubbing on my stoma area 24/7. I have a Jtube and it works great with it! - This is a great device. It has helped with drainage, stains and smelly gauze. Customer service is fantastic. I was messaged back immediately. They took care of the issue and have kept in contact since. StomaDisc has helped alleviate pain and discomfort and made my feeding tube more bearable. It has only been one day but it has helped decrease the pain I have from the rubbing that gauze causes by 90%. Thank you for this amazing product”
Samantha D.
“Excited to try this with StomaDisc Still trialing how well it protects my current skin irritation. I have less itching and less bleeding so that’s good progress Thank you!!”
Patricia R.
“I wanted you to know I got my disk and powder and it is literally the best product ever. I was dealing with insane leakage, changing gauze many times a day with tons of tape and just a huge hassle. This soaks it all up! I’m so impressed. And, the best part, my stoma isn’t burning from acid for the first time in months!!!!”
Nikki P.
“After using this for only 2 days all the redness and discomfort around the gtube is GONE! Awesome product!”
Barbera E.
“StomaDisc™ has been a life saver for my toddler. I could never get the split gauze to stay but the StomaDisc™ stays in place”.
Sedena R.